Prescribed burn smoke notifications

Prescribed burn smoke notifications

Sharing information about prescribed fire activities and smoke.

Audubon Canyon Ranch cares about sharing more information about prescribed fire and smoke. While some smoke is released from prescribed burning, the burns we conduct have many measures in place to mitigate and minimize smoke exposure and associated negative impact to our surrounding communities.    

Children, older adults, and those with respiratory conditions should consider limiting outdoor activities, and using an air filter at home if local air quality is poor.

Monitor general smoke alerts on your phone or tablet 

117,000 of your North Bay neighbors have subscribed to Watch Duty for timely wildfire alerts and status updates — you’ll find our prescribed burns there, too.  

Home-grown in Sonoma County, Watch Duty now reports active fire alerts across the entire Western U.S. We highly recommend downloading this free, not-for-profit notification service.

Receive personalized smoke notifications in your inbox

Sign up to receive smoke notifications for prescribed burns conducted by Audubon Canyon Ranch.  

Smoke alerts are subject to change depending on conditions. You may receive notice within 24 hours of a burn and planned burns may be cancelled, pending a desirable spot weather forecast in alignment with burn prescription parameters, acquisition of burn day permits, and approvals from CAL FIRE and air quality management districts. 

Signed up?

Please check your inbox for a confirmation email from “Audubon Canyon Ranch.” If you do not see the message, it may be in your junk or spam folder.

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Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 12.57.03 PM
February 8, 2025 09:00 am
to 2:00 pm
Bouverie Preserve