Annotated atlas and implications for conservation of heron and egret nesting colonies: Update for the San Pablo Bay Subregion in the San Francisco bay area


Condeso, T. E., Kelly, J. P.

Publication Date:
Jan 2010

This update report was prepared for Caltrans to aid in addressing and mitigating impacts to the nesting colony of herons and egrets near Shollenberger Marsh that may occur as a result of the planned Sonoma Marin Narrows Project.

Type of Document:

Technical Report

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Condeso, T. E., and J. P. Kelly. 2010. Annotated atlas and implications for conservation of heron and egret nesting colonies in the San Francisco Bay area: Update for the San Pablo Bay Subregion. ACR Tech. Rpt. 90-3-22 © June 2010, Audubon Canyon Ranch Cypress Grove Research Center, P.O. Box 808, Marshall, CA 94940.