Tomales Bay Watershed Species of Local Interest: Native and Non-native Species of Conservation or Management Concern


Gardali, T., Kelly, J. P., Evens, J.

Publication Date:
Jan 2011

The Species of Local Interest list for the Tomales Bay watershed is created and managed by the Tomales Bay Watershed Council ( The list provides a means for prioritizing and promoting efforts to protect and restore native species and habitat areas, through restoration, management, ecological monitoring, and guided research. The list is divided into two parts: Species of Local Concern and Local Ecological Pest Species. The species in each list are ranked to highlight “Priority” and “High Priority” Species of Local Interest, based on several scoring criteria, published papers, unpublished reports, and expert opinion. Species of Local Concern include 203 taxa, of which 119 are Priority species and 27 are High Priority species. Local Ecological Pest Species include 168 taxa, of which 50 are Priority pests and 55 are High Priority pests. Habitat associations indicate the general importance of wetlands to Priority and High Priority Species of Local Interest. Additional species may be nominated for scoring and potential inclusion as Species of Local Interest.

Type of Document:

Technical Report

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Gardali, T., J. P. Kelly, J. Evens. 2011. Tomales Bay Watershed Species of Local Interest: native and non-native species of conservation or management concern. A Report of the Tomales Bay Watershed Council, Box 447, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956.