Annotated atlas and implications for conservation of heron and egret nesting colonies in the San Francisco Bay area


Kelly, J. P., Etienne, K. L., Strong, C., McCaustland, M., Parkes, M. L.

Publication Date:
Jan 2006

The atlas of heronies summarizes continuing efforts by Audubon Canyon Ranch and the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory to monitor colonially nesting herons and egrets in the central coastal region of California surrounding the San Francisco estuary. The methods used provide for the intensive regional monitoring of nesting distributions, nest survivorship, productivity of successful nests, nesting habitat characteristics, and intraseasonal timing. The analysis focuses on comparisons of heron and egret nesting performance among nine major wetland subregions from 1991-2005.

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Kelly, J. P., K. L. Etienne, C. Strong, M. McCaustland, and M. L. Parkes. 2006. Annotated atlas and implications for conservation of heron and egret nesting colonies in the San Francisco Bay area. ACR Tech. Rpt. 90-3-17, Audubon Canyon Ranch, P.O. Box 808, Marshall, CA 94940. 236 pp.