Kelly, J. P.
Volunteers from the Madrone Audubon Society, in Santa Rosa, CA, conducted bird surveys at the Mayacamas Mountains Audubon Sanctuary (MMAS) from 1996 through 2006. The surveys were based on the “Area Search” protocol developed for volunteer-based nationwide surveys in Australia and followed instructions provided by PRBO Conservation Science. Field methods involved 20-minute searches of several habitat-specific survey areas: chaparral, forest, grassland, mixed habitat, oak woodland, riparian. Because the areal extents of survey areas were unspecified (varying in size from approximately one to three ha. The count data provide general information on bird abundances but cannot be used to determine bird densities.
Technical Report
Kelly, J. P. 2010. A comparison of bird use at the Mayacamas Mountains Audubon Sanctuary before and after the September 2004 fire. ACR Tech. Rpt. 10-2-1 © June 2010, Audubon Canyon Ranch Cypress Grove Research Center, P.O. Box 808, Marshall, CA 94940.