Tom Gardali

Consejero Delegado

Tom Gardali has worked in the field of conservation for nearly thirty years, focusing on climate change, ecological restoration, at-risk species, and collaborative conservation. Prior to joining ACR, Gardali spent 18 years as the director of the Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group at Point Blue Conservation Science. His impact includes developing innovative ways to design restoration projects that are resilient to climate change—and training others to do so—resulting in thousands of acres implemented from streams in Marin and Sonoma, to Sierra meadows, to lands stewarded by the Nez Perce in Idaho; Partnering with local, state, and national organizations and agencies to develop and deploy practices that increase ricelands as surrogate wetlands for migratory shorebirds, waterbirds, and waterfowl in California’s Central Valley, where only 10% of historic wetlands remain; and facilitating the development of the California Landscape Conservation Partnership Strategic Plan; an alliance of state and federal agencies and NGOs whose mission is to foster integrated land- and seascape conservation and climate adaption strategies to benefit California’s exceptional biodiversity.

Gardali es autor o coautor de más de 60 publicaciones revisadas por expertos, entre ellas "California Bird Species of Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, subspecies, and distinct populations of birds of immediate conservation concern in California".

Gardali es licenciado en Estudios Ambientales por la Universidad de California en Santa Cruz y ha realizado cursos de formación del Centro para la Diversidad y el Medio Ambiente. Ha sido reconocido como miembro de la American Ornithological Society y por su excelencia científica por la Central Valley Joint Venture. Es miembro del consejo de la California Central Coast Joint Venture y del Tomales Bay Watershed Council.

Appointed CEO in November 2021, Tom is ACR's fourth chief executive in its 60-year history.