Training Programs Manager
Garrett earned his bachelor's degree in forestry with an emphasis in wildland fire management from Humboldt State University where he obtained knowledge in forest management, fire ecology, and fire behavior. He went on to work for the U.S. Forest Service as a primary wildland firefighter. While there he earned several certifications and qualifications and gained in-depth experience in fire suppression, chainsaw operations, and prescribed fire. Since then, Garrett has worked in the North San Francisco Bay Area from Jenner Headlands to northern Napa County. During this time he has led crews in completing environmental restoration projects including shaded fuel breaks, invasive species management, and toxic runoff containment after wildfire. He has also worked closely with the Sonoma Biochar Initiative to host presentations about and demonstrations of biochar production.
Rancho Audubon Canyon
Apartado de correos 577
Stinson Beach, CA 94970