Especialista en comunicación
Anne Mitchell is a storyteller for change dedicated to engaging minds, sparking curiosity, and inspiring wonder for the natural world. With an extensive background in nonprofit marketing and communications, Anne has focused her career on developing narratives that speak to critical community needs and elevating brand visibility for social good initiatives. She worked for over a decade in the Mission District of San Francisco for arts nonprofits, supporting the launch of accessible arts programs, such as San Francisco’s first community choir for people who identify as transgender, intersex, and genderqueer. More recently, Anne has been managing the social media at Weaving Earth and producing the podcast Talking Water for the Walking Water Collective, where she amplifies the work of water activists from around the world. Anne earned her Climate Steward and California Naturalist certification at Pepperwood, holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in Songwriting and Vocal Technique from New College, and has a bachelor’s degree in cultural arts from the Evergreen State College. Anne can be found on stages performing her original songs, in the garden growing food, and learning to be a parent with her wife and baby.
Rancho Audubon Canyon
Apartado de correos 577
Stinson Beach, CA 94970